#VisibleWomen Twitter Trend Dispels Myth That There Aren’t Many Women Working in Comics

After first trending back in March, the #VisibleWomen hashtag is back, highlighting women working in comics and illustration. The trend began under Milkfed, Kelly Sue DeConnick and Matt Fraction’s comics company. The first #VisibleWomen event was created at least partially in response to the Angoulême International Comics Festival nominating 30 men and zero women for awards this past winter. Milkfed writes:

Women comic book artists and cartoonists the world over are often overlooked by their industry, as demonstrated by last winter’s Angoulême gaffe. So to highlight the volume of women artists available for hire, all day August 5th we will be reviving March’s #VisibleWomen Twitter event. The goal of #VisibleWomen is to disabuse hiring professionals of the notion that women comic artists are rare and to raise awareness of said women with readers.

You can check out #VisibleWomen here, and we’ve included a bunch of participating women and non-binary creators below.

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