Hell Yes: Matt Kindt Teases More Mind MGMT
Our Minds=Esploded

We don’t know where Matt Kindt gets the time. The cartoonist who paved his career on tight spy noir and melancholic characters probably doesn’t sleep. He’s contributed over 100 issues to the revamped Valiant Universe—including this drop-dead gorgeous space odyssey with artist Trevor Hairsine—while helming his deep-sea nail-biter, Dept. H.
So what the hell was Kindt doing yesterday, posting this little teaser about returning to his sprawling indie blockbuster, Mind MGMT? Is he being cruel and manipulative, like the government agents secretly controlling the populace in his six-volume opus?
It’s happening again… @DarkHorseComics; pic.twitter.com/yyrTPx28xw
— Matt Kindt (@mattkindt) October 19, 2017
For those unfamiliar, Mind MGMT ran from 2012 to 2015 over the course of 36 issues. The plot begins with a reporter, Meru, searching for a rogue government agent with the power to reverse-empathize a town into tearing itself apart, and only expands in staggering scope from there. Kindt, who tackled writing, illustrating and coloring, zoomed into the backstories of every character before unleashing epic feats of genre storytelling that we don’t want to spoil if you haven’t read it. It is excellent, it made our Best of the Year lists without fail and it is the only comic a Paste editor has bought an original art page from.
This Tweet has us very excited. If this is some test from the bureaucratic behavioral lab, at least give us a sketch book or something. Stay tuned and we’ll report more as we find out.