Abrams Announces New Graphic Novel Line, Megascope
The new imprint will focus on sharing the experiences of people of color
Image courtesy of Abrams Comic Arts
Abrams Comics Arts announced Friday that it will be releasing a new imprint called Megascope. This new line will be curated by John Jennings, who illustrated 2018’s Eisner award-winning Kindred, the adaptation of Octavia Butler’s novel of the same name. That intention flows through this entire imprint, according to Abrams.
Megascope’s unique focus hopes to reimagine seminal works through the eyes of diverse creators and people of color. It emphasizes rediscovery with modern, progressive perspectives, specifically making a point to include social justice issues. Fittingly, the imprint’s name derives itself from a fictional device of W.E.B. DuBois’ invention that’s able to reexamine other timelines and realities.
Jennings plans to keep a lean schedule, aiming to put out between four and six books annually. Though specific titles have yet to be announced, potential genres include science fiction, fantasy, horror and magical realism, in both fiction and non-fiction. An advisory board of scholars and comic experts from Harvard, OSU, Black Comix Arts Festival and Latino Comics Expo will assist with research and curation, as well.
Megascope, launching in fall of 2019, could be a landmark in comics history as it combines academia and diversity into an industry that sometimes struggles to foster new perspectives.