Exclusive Preview: The Neil Gaiman Library Expands with Only the End of the World Again

P. Craig Russell and Troy Nixey’s Adaptation Gets a New Hardcover Release from Dark Horse Comics

Exclusive Preview: The Neil Gaiman Library Expands with Only the End of the World Again

We’ve shown a lot of love to Dark Horse’s ever-growing Neil Gaiman library, from Toussaint Egan’s glowing review of How to Talk to Girls at Parties to the exclusive announcement of A Study in Emerald and a clown-colored look at Harlequin Valentine. Next Wednesday, one of the master storyteller’s comic-book deep cuts gets a handsome new hardcover release from Dark Horse Comics: Only the End of the World Again, scripted by longtime Gaiman collaborator P. Craig Russell, illustrated by Troy Nixey and colored for the collection by Matt Hollingsworth. First published as a serial at Oni Press in the late ‘90s, Only the End of the World Again pays tribute to H. P. Lovecraft and Roger Zelazny with a tale of a claims adjuster who sets up shop in Innsmouth, Massachusetts, only to discover a prophecy that a werewolf may bring about the end of the world. Oh, and the claims adjuster just so happens to be a werewolf. Check out an exclusive preview of Only the End of the World Again below, and visit comic shops next week to experience the lycanthropic apocalypse yourself.


Only the End of the World Again Cover Art by Troy Nixey & Matt Hollingsworth

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Only the End of the World Again Interior Art by Troy Nixey & Matt Hollingsworth

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Only the End of the World Again Cover Art by Troy Nixey & Matt Hollingsworth

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Only the End of the World Again Cover Art by Troy Nixey & Matt Hollingsworth

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Only the End of the World Again Cover Art by Troy Nixey & Matt Hollingsworth

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Only the End of the World Again Cover Art by Troy Nixey & Matt Hollingsworth

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