Exclusive Preview: Kabul Disco: How I Managed Not to Be Abducted in Afghanistan
French Cartoonist Nicolas Wild’s Travelogue Kicks Off Humanoids’ Life Drawn Imprint
Main Art by Nicolas Wild
For over 40 years, Humanoids has established itself as the premiere publisher for Europe’s best—and weirdest—science fiction and fantasy, with names like Moebius, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Juan Gimenez, Milo Manara and Christophe Bec flushing out their catalogue. This week, Humanoids launches its Life Drawn imprint, which showcases an entirely different side to the publisher. Timed with Humanoids’ 20th anniversary publishing in the United States, Life Drawn is, in the words of publisher Fabrice Giger, “grounded in life here on earth, not just out among the stars. Stories that explore inner space, not outer galaxies. Stories that bring out the human in Humanoids.”
First on the docket: Kabul Disco: How I Managed Not to Be Abducted in Afghanistan, a travelogue by French cartoonist Nicolas Wild. As a young, nearly broke artist in 2005, Wild desperately took a job in Afghanistan and quickly became enraptured by the differences between France and his new home. Like fellow cartoonist and travel documentarian Guy Delisle, Wild strikes a self-mocking tone that allows his cultural observations to feel genuine and well intentioned, not judgmental. Paste is thrilled to host an exclusive preview of the first volume, which is available in comic shops this Wednesday.
Kabul Disco: How I Managed Not to Be Abducted in Afghanistan Cover Art by Nicolas Wild
Kabul Disco: How I Managed Not to Be Abducted in Afghanistan Interior Art by Nicolas Wild
Kabul Disco: How I Managed Not to Be Abducted in Afghanistan Interior Art by Nicolas Wild
Kabul Disco: How I Managed Not to Be Abducted in Afghanistan Interior Art by Nicolas Wild
Kabul Disco: How I Managed Not to Be Abducted in Afghanistan Interior Art by Nicolas Wild
Kabul Disco: How I Managed Not to Be Abducted in Afghanistan Interior Art by Nicolas Wild