Sci-Fi Comic Anthology All We Ever Wanted Offers a Hopeful View of Humanity’s Future
Read Tess Fowler’s Contribution, “The Inventor’s Daughter”
Main Art by Ariela Kristantina & Michael E. Wiggam
Speculative fiction reflects not just the world around us, but our hopes—and fears—for the future. In 2018, it’s no shocker that most science fiction has…less than optimistic reads on humanity’s chances in the decades ahead of us. Compiled and edited by comic creators Matt Miner, Eric Palicki and Tyler Chin-Tanner, All We Ever Wanted runs counter to the doom and gloom to present a collection of brighter visions for the future. Featuring 24 short stories from creators including Robbi Rodriguez, Eliot Rahal, Chris Visions, Dean Trippe, Eryk Donovan, Liana Kangas and more, All We Ever Wanted hits comic shelves December 12th—“the perfect gift to lift spirits this holiday season,” according to the solicitation text—and is available for preorder now following successful funding on Kickstarter earlier this year. In advance of the collections direct-market release, Paste is thrilled to share the entirety of “The Inventor’s Daughter,” written by Lucia Fasano, drawn by Tess Fowler, colored by Gab Contreras and lettered by Taylor Esposito. Check that out below, along with a full table of contents, and be sure to request a copy of All We Ever Wanted from your local comic shop.
All We Ever Wanted Cover Art by Ariela Kristantina & Michael E. Wiggam
“The Inventor’s Daughter” Interior Art by Tess Fowler, Gab Contreras & Taylor Esposito
“The Inventor’s Daughter” Interior Art by Tess Fowler, Gab Contreras & Taylor Esposito
“The Inventor’s Daughter” Interior Art by Tess Fowler, Gab Contreras & Taylor Esposito
“The Inventor’s Daughter” Interior Art by Tess Fowler, Gab Contreras & Taylor Esposito
“The Inventor’s Daughter” Interior Art by Tess Fowler, Gab Contreras & Taylor Esposito
“The Inventor’s Daughter” Interior Art by Tess Fowler, Gab Contreras & Taylor Esposito