Marvel Revisits Star Wars Prequels With Mace Windu Comic Series
Art by Jesus Saiz/Marvel
Marvel Entertainment just announced that Mace Windu will receive his own comic miniseries launching this summer, titled Star Wars: Jedi of the Republic—Mace Windu. Announced on, the five-issue miniseries penned by Luke Cage (the Netflix show) writer Matt Owens, illustrated by Denys Cowan with covers from Jesus Saiz will star the fan-favorite Jedi in the early days of the Clone Wars, leading a small unit of Jedi into battle as a general in the Army of the Republic.
The era marks a decisive time for the Jedi before he was a Master, as he must decide whether to step up in this new leading role. In a statement from Marvel, Owens explained:
The preferred tools of the Jedi are diplomacy, harmony, education, peace. Now they find themselves leading troops on battlefields across the galaxy. They’re going to have a lot of thoughts about this. Is this really the way to peace? Is this the position I should be taking? Is this really the path the Jedi should be walking down?
As of late, the cinematic prequels have become familiar territory for Marvel, who last year published an Obi-Wan & Anakin series and recently launched a Darth Maul series in February of 2017. Mace Windu is set to be released this August.
Mace’s past has remained an enigmatic corner of George Lucas’ mythos ever since Samuel L. Jackson’s badass portrayal of the Jedi in Episode I, II and III of Star Wars. Whether the miniseries delves into moral contemplations on war or features extensive lightsaber duals (probably both), the comics have the potential to add pivotal new backstory to a character begging to be explored.