State of the Art: Caitlin Yarsky Draws Abuela from Coyotes

State of the Art: Caitlin Yarsky Draws Abuela from Coyotes

The great conundrum of comics press and criticism is that way too many of us struggle to talk about—or at least to fully and vibrantly capture—the artistic side of comics, which is what makes comics, well, comics. We can endlessly debate continuity, criticize character choices, pick apart plotting, but how many of us offer the artistic component the attention it deserves? How many of us cut deeper than comparing one artist to another, or trying to force into insufficient words how we respond to style and basic storytelling choices?

State of the Art is a video series produced in cooperation with Image Comics that shows artists at work as they discuss their series, their artistic journeys, their work process and more, all as we witness one of their characters come to life. Our fourth entry spotlights Caitlin Yarsky, the breakout artist behind Coyotes with writer Sean Lewis. The series, currently between its second and third arcs, has been described as “Kill Bill meets The Howling,” starring a young katana-wielding girl who defends the women of a border town against men who don the pelts of wolves.

The second trade paperback of Coyotes, collecting issues #5 through #8, hits stands January 23rd, 2019. Paste readers can tide themselves over by watching Yarsky draw series fan-favorite Abuela below. Be sure to follow throughout the coming months as we feature other Image Comics favorites on State of the Art.

Coyotes Vol. 2
Writer: Sean Lewis
Artist: Caitlin Yarsky
Publisher: Image Comics
Release Date: January 23, 2019
The second chapter of this critically lauded allegorical series is a fascinating look at misogyny, war, and forgiveness.

Red is tasked with ridding her home of men who have donned animal pelts that turn them into woman-hunting wolves. Returning from her first war with these wolves, she works to bring more women to safety — and to slaughter more wayward men. But when she meets a group of women who challenge her ideas and her core self, she questions the person she’s become.

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