Latest Suicide Squad Trailer Offers New Look At DC’s Anti-Hero Team-Up
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What excitement there was over Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is (rightfully) fizzling out, but nevertheless, our anticipation for DC’s Suicide Squad is still going at full force.
While Warner Bros. has already delivered several killer trailers for the summer film, scheduled for an Aug. 5 release, the tone for this newest look at the darkly humorous anti-hero team-up is a bit different, and in all the right ways.
This sneak peek not only gives us a better look at what Suicide Squad’s big-bads can do, skill and power-wise, but it also illustrates the film’s totally dry and sarcastic sense of humor, two qualities likely to go over well with fans. We’re also given a brief cameo by the Dark Knight himself, as well as a more ominous illustration of the Joker’s threat to the Squad’s mission.
If this new trailer is any real indication of what this movie will be, the key to DC’s Extended Universe’s success lies not with its heroes, but with its villains.