Exclusive Preview: A Human Guinea Pig Searches for Utopia in Christopher Sebela & Jen Hickman’s Test
Main Art by Jen Hickman
Back in March, Paste broke the news that Crowded writer Christopher Sebela and Moth & Whisper artist Jen Hickman would soon unite under the Vault Comics banner for Test, a cynical, cutting-edge sci-fi series in the proud tradition of Transmetropolitan (with an homage cover to match). Today, we’re thrilled to follow up that news with an exclusive preview of Hickman’s interior art.
Protagonist Aleph Null is an orphan, a futurist, a test subject and now a person on the run, searching for a rumored Midwestern town called Laurelwood, where an impossible far-off future is already being tested. With Harry Saxon providing colors and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou on letters, Test joins Wasted Space and Friendo among Vault’s multifaceted and compelling genre stable. Paste readers can find Hickman and Saxon’s interior art below. For more on Test and other Vault Comics series, stay tuned to Paste.
Test #1 Cover Art by Jen Hickman
Test #1
Writer: Chris Sebela
Artist: Jen Hickman
Colorist: Harry Saxon
Letterer: Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Publisher: Vault Comics
Release Date: July 3, 2019
Aleph Null is a lot of things: An orphan, a human guinea pig undergoing medical tests for cash, a bodyhacker, a hardcore future junkie, and a corporate asset. But now, Aleph is on the run from their old life, in search of a mythical, Midwestern town named Laurelwood—where they’re test-marketing the future with tech that can’t possibly exist yet, and won’t for decades.
Test #1 Wraparound Cover Art by Jen Hickman
Test #1 Vault Vintage Variant Cover Art by Nathan Gooden & Tim Daniel
Test #1 Interior Art by Jen Hickman & Harry Saxon
Test #1 Interior Art by Jen Hickman & Harry Saxon
Test #1 Interior Art by Jen Hickman & Harry Saxon
Test #1 Interior Art by Jen Hickman & Harry Saxon
Test #1 Interior Art by Jen Hickman & Harry Saxon
Test #1 Interior Art by Jen Hickman & Harry Saxon