3 Ways to Perfect Your Minimalist Wardrobe
We all have that problem. Our closets are bursting at the seams but for some reason we keep wearing the same pieces over and over again. We continue to shop and and never purge. Don’t worry — there’s a solution for our hoarding ways.
Texas-based Caroline Rector created her blog Un-Fancy in an effort to maximize her wardrobe, simplify her life and only keep essential pieces that she loves. “Not too long ago I looked around and saw that all of the stuff I’d accumulated needed my time and attention,” Rector explains on her site. “So I started to release my stuff, one thing at a time, and continue on my journey a little lighter and a little happier. Before too long, the journey led me to my closet, and I tried out a capsule wardrobe for the first time.”
So, if you’re looking to have a little less in your life and use a little more of your closet, check out these three ways to purge your wardrobe and keep only the essentials. But remember, no shopping while doing the challenge!
1. Capsule Wardrobe
Building a capsule wardrobe is pretty simple. Rector picks out 37 items per capsule wardrobe, per season and then only wears those for three months. That seems to be the magical number for her, but you can pick out more or less items based on the weather conditions in your area. She suggests sorting your wardrobe into LOVE IT, MAYBE, NOPE and SEASONAL piles when choosing your capsule wardrobe. Once you have your simplified wardrobe selected, mix and match to your heart’s desire. At the end of the season, reflect on the challenge and shop for more pieces as needed. Rector has plenty of examples on her blog of real outfits for every season.
2. 30×30 remix
If you are looking to minimize your wardrobe, but aren’t ready to commit to a 3-month challenge, then the 30×30 remix is for you. The one-month challenge is to pick 30 pieces from your closet and remix them for 30 days. Easy enough, right? It’s a fun way to play with your existing pieces, figure out what essentials you still need to purchase and limit your closet to just your favorites. Kendi Skeen has fun instructions on her site for the challenge and features several 30×30 remixes per season.
3. 40 hanger challenge
This challenge is true to its title. Buy a box of about 40 nice hangers, take everything out of your closet and sort into YES, NO and MAYBE piles. Starting with your YES pile, begin hanging your favorites, but remember you only have 40 hangers. The challenge is tough, but you’ll end up with a minimalist wardrobe made up of just your favorite pieces. Check out a few few more tips here.