New App Will Match Photos with Real Items of Clothing

New App Will Match Photos with Real Items of Clothing

Passing fashionable strangers on the street often presents a common dilemma: Is it okay to ask where they shop, or will you seem creepy? If you’re afraid of creating an awkward moment by asking random people where they buy their clothing, Daniela Cecilio, the designer and founder of the app ASAP 54, has created an app that will remedy your curiosity, no stranger danger involved.

Simply take a picture of the item(s) that you found, and the app scans an extensive database, comparing fabrics and designs, and ultimately matching the photo submitted with similar items and links to where you can buy them. If the app finds no matches, it will connect you to a live personal stylist who will help you continue the search. “My idea was that everything you see you should be able to find,” says Cecilio. “It was always very hard because you would Google, and Google would come up with the wrost results. Nothing compared with what you were searching for. I use Polyvore, I use Shopstyle, but no one is focusing on something proper for the fashion industry.”

As of yesterday, the database hosts over 700,000 pieces but is expected to reach about 3 million by September. ASAP 54 is free to download in the Apple Store here.

via Fast Company

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