Quick Tips on Tackling an Unruly Closet

A closet door swings open to mismatched wire hangers, outdated dresses, torn $3.99 TJ Maxx tights tangled among t-shirts, and smack dab in the middle is that one statement piece found at a resale shop or on eBay. Unworn and collecting dust, the item leaves zero space to expand your look, your wardrobe, your life. Shoes lay scattered on the floor and beneath the mess is your dignity. A little dramatic but if this sounds familiar, there is no better time to get your closet back in shape. While frustration can pile high during the clean-out process, there are several tricks to make closet organization a bit more tolerable, and more importantly, successful.

Step One: Find the Right Hanger
One feature every organized closet needs, according to stylists, professional organizers, and closet aficionados, is the right hanger. Jena Gambaccini, creator of fashion blog, ChiCityFashion, has tackled this subject on her site and swears by slim hangers. Via email, Gambaccini notes, “Using slim hangers is key, especially when you feel like your closet is overflowing.” The more items you can hang, the more is off the floor and able to been seen. As Gambaccini says, this allows you “to be aware of what you own” and also, what you wear. While switching hangers, Gambaccini also recommends keeping a “closet as seasonal as possible.” By rotating seasonal pieces, digging through winter coats to find sundresses will be a thing of the past.

Step Two: Purge
With a clear idea of how many garments you have and conversely, how many you actually wear, the next step is to purge. While the boho, synthetic poncho your mother bought you from Kohl’s in eighth grade may come back into style, does it really go with your 9 to 5? If not, time to ditch it. Dividing your wardrobe into “stays” and “goes” is never easy but there are plenty of places to take your goods once the cut is made. The Everygirl outlines several great options in their article “7 Questions to Ask when Cleaning out your Closet.” Whether selling or donating, swapping or trashing, just remember, if you are not wearing those oversized, pre-distressed boyfriend jeans, there is someone who will.

Step Three: Reorganize
When the clutter has been removed, items hung, and the weight of tattered garments and fashion missteps has lifted, the fun begins. Popsugar highlights keeping your closet organization personal and functional in the article “How to Create Your Dream Closet.” Take the time to think about how you want to the space to look and what works best for you. With freed shelves and hangers tamed, maybe 2015 will be the year your closet stays inspired and clutter-free. At least for the first few months or so!

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