5 Apps Every Cocktail Enthusiast Should Download Now

5 Apps Every Cocktail Enthusiast Should Download Now

When it comes to making cocktails, your smartphone can be your best friend. Whether you’re just getting started behind the bar, or work a regular bartending shift, there’s always a new drink to be learned or a new trick to figure out. This collection of apps will help you handle everything from learning how to make the next big hit, to getting another bottle of tequila headed to your doorstep.

iTunes / Google Play


What exactly goes into a Tom Collins again? Mixology is a free app that comes packed with more than 8,000 different cocktail recipes. Ranging from the common to the bizarre, the app offers step-by-step directions on how to whip up some of the fanciest drinks out there, as well as tips on how to make do with what you might have on hand at home right now. Additional app features include basic bartending tips and instructions on how to do things like infuse your own liquors.

iTunes / Google Play


If you live in a city that supports it, then MiniBar can be the perfect app to have on hand when you decide to throw that big (or small) get together. The app works as a delivery service for booze and allows you to order that replacement bottle of vodka (or a bottle of something special) and have it delivered to your front door in less than an hour. That means you can get more booze, and you don’t have to duck out of the party in order to get it.

Speakeasy Cocktails


Aspiring bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts will love Speakeasy Cocktails. The app offers tips on how to choose the right spirits, as well as expert photography of the drinks you’re building and tutorial videos that show you how to do it right the first time. At $10, the app is a little pricier than some of the other options out there, but it makes up for the cost with some excellent content that’s bound to up your bar game a few notches.

Liquor Cabinet


This app takes a bit of work to be useful, but if you actually keep it up-to-date, then it could be invaluable. The app essentially just keeps track of what you have chilling in your home bar. That way when you’re out at the store, you can see at a glance if you have a bottle of rum to make your favorite cocktail later, or if you need to pick one of those up as well. The app tracks what you have, and then suggests drinks you can make with what you have on hand as well as what you could potentially make if you were willing to run out for one more ingredient (or convince a friend to grab it on his way over).



Looking to expand your palette? Distiller is a liquor recommendation app that will help you discover that perfect bottle you didn’t realize you needed. The app can make recommendations on what you should grab while you’re out at the bar with friends, as well as what you might enjoy a bottle of to have at home. Originally just for whiskey, the app now handles rum, tequila, brandy, and mezcal as well. In-app reviews are written by industry experts, and a flavor profile graph gives you a picture of what to expect from a bottle before you even crack it open.

Have a favorite cocktail app of your own? Be sure to share it in the comments!

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