
Acme California Pale Ale

Acme California Pale Ale

Acme is one of the oldest names in California brewing. The original Acme Brewing set up shop in San Francisco back in 1907 as a Golden State cousin to Washington’s Olympia, but that company was out of business by the mid-fifties. The North Coast Brewing Company in Fort Bragg, California licensed the rights to the Acme name back in 1996, and now the company currently offers two beers—a pale ale and an IPA—bearing the historic name.

Acme California Pale Ale is an American-style pale ale with a deep, golden hue and a lacy head. The aroma is earthy and malty with hints of citrus and hops. On the tongue, this beer starts with a sweet fruitiness and ends with a somewhat bitter aftertaste. In terms of mouth feel, Acme is a bit too light-bodied and watery for my tastes, but in the interest of full disclosure I should note that I tend toward the darker end of the brewing spectrum. Carbonation is light to moderate.

And although a label might not be enough reason to buy a just-good-enough pale ale, the Gil Elvgren-style pinup that graces both of North Coast Brewing’s Acme offerings ranks among my all-time favorites. How often does one see a beautiful redhead shaped like a church key swinging from a rope without dropping her pint?

Brewery: North Coast Brewing Co.?
City: Fort Bragg, California?
Style: American Pale Ale?
ABV: 5.0?
Availability: Year round

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