Republicans Drink Bourbon, Democrats Drink Vodka According To New Study

Your favorite liquor might indicate what side of the political spectrum you identify with, according to a new report from research firm National Media, called “Politics of Wine and Liquor Brands.” The company surveyed more than 50 major brands of wine and spirits, comparing them to the voter registration and turnout history of their drinkers.
The study shows Democrats like clear liquor, and Republicans prefer dark liquor. And here’s something funny—people who take shots of Jagermeister are less likely to vote. Wine drinkers, on the other hand, are more likely to vote.
Other interesting tidbits—Democrats drink a wider variety of liquor, but Republicans drink stronger liquor. One liquor in particular bridged the gap between the two opposing political parties: Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, which is popular with both Democrats and Republicans. I believe that’s called bipartisanship.