Miller Lite Is Selling “Beer Drops” to Improve the Taste of other Light Beers
Photos via Molson Coors
Although it may absolutely sound like a belated April Fool’s gag—and I mean really, really sound like one—Miller Lite is apparently serious when they say they’ve developed a new product (read: marketing gimmick) designed to improve the taste of “other” light beers. The so-called “Beer Drops” have already sold through a first round via Miller Lite’s web store, but a second run is being made available today only, on National Beer Day, April 7, starting at 3 p.m. EST. So now you too may have a chance to put mysterious “enhancement drops” into your Bud Light, in a quest to make it taste more like Miller Lite. Molson Coors, believe it or not, has provided zero information on what exactly these drops are, or what it is they do. Not creepy at all, guys!
Regardless, the Beer Drops are part of an ongoing ad campaign for Miller Lite that has re-centered itself around the assertion that Miller Lite simply tastes better, and more beer-like, than its direct competitors—Bud Light and Coors Light, to be exact. And in that opinion, we actually agree with parent company Molson Coors—back when we blind tasted 30 macro lagers a few years ago, Miller products were clearly head and shoulders above comparable macro lagers from the likes of AB InBev. The fact of the matter is, that when it comes to who makes standard American adjunct lagers best, it’s pretty clearly the Miller brand, so this by all rights should be the focus of their advertising. Or as the executives put it:
“One thing we know to be true, Miller Lite lovers absolutely love the taste of beer,” said Global Vice President of Miller Family of Brands Sofia Colucci in a press release. “We see Beer Drops as a fun yet competitive extension of our new campaign to highlight what sets us apart. National Beer Day is the perfect moment to celebrate the great taste that has made Miller Lite special since 1975.”
Sure, whatever. I would have been even more interested if the company had gone into the science of flavor a bit, or bothered explaining what it is that the Beer Drops were doing when you plunked them into a pint of Bud Light, but I suppose they’ll contend that a scientific discovery of this magnitude needs to be kept under wraps. Or perhaps the drops are pure placebo; who can say? Regardless, if you want to own some for yourself, you’ll likely have to be quick on the draw when they go back on sale today at 3 p.m. EST.