Fresh Batch: Six New Beers for Summer
Photo via Widmer BrothersAh, summer. Bring on the shandies, the grapefruit beers, the blonde ales, the…bourbon porters? Yeah, there’s all kinds of weirdness in this batch of new beers. Even some peanut butter and jelly. Who doesn’t love peanut butter and jelly?
Leinenkugel Grapefruit Shandy
Speaking of shandies…Lienenkugel has made a name for themselves in the world of shandies and they’ve added grapefruit to the mix with this new beer. Okay, it’s not super new. Grapefruit Shandy hit the shelves in March, but it has summer written all over it. If you don’t like shandies, don’t bother. It’s a light beer with plenty of grapefruit flavor.
Stone Brewing Co. Pale Ale 2.0
Photo via Stone Brewing Co.
Remember when Stone Brewing Co. terminated their Pale, and let us publish the recipe? Good times. We figured it wouldn’t be long before they announced a new pale, and this is it: Loaded with Mandarina Bavaria hops, this pale comes strong with zesty citrus character and could probably pass as an IPA if Stone felt like labeling it as such. Find it in 12-ounce bottles, year round.
Widmer Brothers Hefe Shandy
Portland’s Widmer Brothers have taken their classic Hefe and given it a shandy twist by adding lemon drop hops and natural lemon flavor. The combination of low IBUs (12) and low ABV (4.2%) make this a super sessional beer, which is perfect since it’s a summer seasonal. We say give it a shot if you like Widmer Brothers’ Hefe.
Deschutes Twilight Summer Ale
It’s tough to pigeon-hole the blonde ale—they share a lot in common with lagers, but could also find a home on the lighter side of pales. One thing is for certain—blondes are supremely drinkable, and this “summer ale” from Deschutes does not disappoint in that respect. It’s light, balanced and comes in at a sessionable 5% ABV. Pick this one up in six pack bottles through September.
Heavy Seas Blackbeard’s Breakfast
It’s hard to say what Blackbeard had for breakfast every morning, but there’s a good chance it involved coffee and bourbon. This is an imperial porter with plenty of coffee notes that’s been aged in bourbon barrels for several months. Props to Heavy Seas for release this beer for summer, because it couldn’t be any less summer. It’s 10% ABV, thick, roasty, bourbony with all kinds of caramel…this is not swimsuit beer. Find it in big bombers.
Terrapin Beer Co. Liquid Lunch
Since you’ve had breakfast, it’s time for lunch. And peanut butter and jelly is on the menu. Terrapin’s latest Side Project beer is a PB&J flavored porter brewed with raspberry puree and “peanut butter essence.” I don’t know what the essence of peanut butter is, but I’m up for trying this beer. Especially since it’s a beefy 7.7% ABV. That’s my kind of lunch. The beer should hit the shelves in 22-ounce bottles in July.