Get Free Coffee From a Luke’s Diner and Pretend You’re a Gilmore Girl

Luke’s Diner is probably the most iconic part of Stars Hollow, the town that was the home of the Gilmore Girls for seven seasons. This is the sacred place where Lorelai annoyed and endeared herself to diner owner Luke Danes. It’s also where both Gilmore girls got the coffee that is such an essential part of their diet.

For just one day, you can have that coffee, too. In order to promote the forthcoming revival of Gilmore Girls, Netflix is turning 250 coffee shops across the country into versions of Luke’s Diner on Oct. 5. For those of you Gilmore fans who live far from the show’s setting in Connecticut, you can check for a participating store near you by going to the Stars Hollow website (which is not entirely real) to look at a full list.

Netflix will be decorating each of the shops with Luke’s-themed swag, including T-shirts and aprons. You’ll want to get there bright and early, which is admittedly not a very Gilmore-esque move. Even so, the first 250 cups of medium coffee ordered at each store beginning at 7 a.m. will be paid for by Netflix, which isn’t a bad deal if you’ve got to get up anyway.

If you’re lucky, the person who serves you coffee will be a gruff man in his 30s with a backwards baseball cap and a flannel shirt. He may also tell you to turn off your cell phone. After all, that’s the only way to get the full Luke’s Diner experience.

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