A Fresno, CA Brewery Is Now Printing “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” on the Bottom of Beer Cans
Photo via Tactical Ops Brewing
We have no comment on whether this is in poor taste, but it’s definitely a thing that exists: A brewery in Fresno, CA is now selling cans of beer that come printed with the phrase “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself.” You can see for yourself above.
That is of course a reference to alleged sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, who died in his jail cell in the Metropolitan Correctional Center on Aug. 10, where he was being held on numerous charges. The billionaire financier had been charge with paying minors to perform various sex acts, and had previously served a 13-month sentence back in 2008 connected with similar charges. Connected with numerous and rich powerful American families over the course of his career, Epstein’s court proceedings would likely have been “trial of the century” material, right up until he was found dead in his jail cell, while the guards on duty were apparently “asleep,” and nearby cameras were “malfunctioning.” From the beginning, this didn’t sit well with many observers, but the controversy was reignited in late October when Michael Baden, a forensic pathologist hired by Epstein’s brother, concluded that there was evidence of homicide rather than suicide in Epstein’s death. The web has since come alive, with the phrase “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” being thrown around in a somewhat vague attempt to suss out the truth of the matter.
Arguably looking to cash in on the attention of the case is Fresno, CA’s Tactical Ops Brewing, a military-themed brewery that is clearly unafraid to make a statement. They’ve been slapping the phrase on their latest run of cans for a beer called Basher Oatmeal Stout. Whether the phrase becomes a permanent fixture on that particular flagship of Tactical Ops remains to be seen, but you can bet that it will probably engender a strong reaction.