Check Out This Sneak Peek at Mitch Steele’s New Realm Brewing in Atlanta

Check Out This Sneak Peek at Mitch Steele’s New Realm Brewing in Atlanta

The craft beer community has been anxiously awaiting more details on former Stone brewmaster Mitch Steele’s new project in Atlanta, New Realm Brewing Co., ever since the project was first announced. As the brewery continues building its new facility on the edges of ATL’s steadily gentrifying Inman Park/Old Fourth Ward areas, initial design plans have today been revealed, including the artist rendering below. This is our first glimpse at what New Realm will probably look like when it opens in Atlanta in the fall of 2017. Click the photo below to expand it:

Rendering NRB (Custom) (2).jpg

Steele, along with partners Carey Falcone and Bob Powers, will start welcoming visitors to the space at 550 Somerset Terrace NE this fall. The brewery exists in a new development called Common Ground, adjacent to the Atlanta Beltline, a popular walking/biking/dog observing pathway that connects various neighborhoods of the city. As new sections of The Beltline continue to be built, it has become intimately tied to the Atlanta brewing industry, with breweries both current (Eventide Brewing, Monday Night Brewing) and future (the second locations of Wild Heaven Beer and Monday Night) being located on future stretches of the path that are still under construction. New Realm, however, won’t have to wait—the area where it’s under construction is one of the Beltline’s busiest and most popular stretches, which will surely mean a steady stream of thirsty foot and bike traffic.

An accompanying press release describes the interior of the facility thusly:

Throughout the industrial space a color palette of rich earthy tones will be
highlighted by subtle pops of deep green. Reclaimed hickory mixed with railroad
timbers, raw steel and oil-rubbed bronze will carry out the rustic and craft-driven décor
made complete with industrial style lighting. Artistic touches such as hand-carved
wooden hop art, rusted steel New Realm logo, stone Radagast heads, and more will
blend into the design.

Guests can choose to enjoy their visit in a main dining room, at an interior bar, a lower level patio, an outdoor beltline beer garden, or a rooftop patio. The space will
also have a private dining room on the lower level and a second level tasting room/tour center, both of which will house special events like weddings, private parties
and corporate meetings. All told, the New Realm facility will seat a total of 400 guests,
who will enjoy several views looking directly into the brewery overlooking New Realm’s
25hl, four vessel brewhouse and 50hl tank farm from Krones Steinecker, and Mitch
Steele’s brewing team in action. It is expected that the facility will be able to produce
approximately 20,000 barrels at full production and will have the capability to keg,
bottle and can.

“Radagast heads”? Are we rocking some sort of subtle Lord of the Rings theme here? Or perhaps that’s their name for the smiling face seen in the logo above. Regardless, we’re looking forward to visiting New Realm in Paste’s own backyard once they’re operational and tasting what Steele has in store for us. It’s an exciting time to be writing about Atlanta-area beer, as a host of new projects are eyeing 2017 openings. New Realm’s challenge will be to stand out among all of those new projects, but with a recognized brewer like Steele on board, they’ll no doubt be looking to make the most out of a unique advantage.

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