Oskar Blues Ten Fidy

The originator of the canned beer resurgence, Longmont, Colorado-based Oskar Blues Brewing Company knows how to blend flavors. Their seasonal Russian Imperial Stout is no exception; chocolate and coffee notes mix with a burly 98 IBUs. It’s great for keeping you warm during cold Siberian winters.
The first words that come to mind when you sip Oskar Blues’ Ten Fidy are some variation of “freaking viscous”. It’s like drinking motor oil, only more delicious and less deadly. The dark chocolate, coffee and caramel nose pays off with a thick sweet mouthful that you almost want to chew before you swallow. The malty undertones hide the 98 IBUs, but by the end of your sip, the malt fades and the bitterness kicks in to remind you that you’re drinking a serious brew.
Its warmth makes this seasonal beer an ideal fall brew with its hearty flavor and initial sweetness. It’s like the hot chocolate of beers. It’s definitely a slow sipper—at 10.5% ABV, you don’t want to swig these bad boys, but thanks to its thick, velvety feel and punch-in-the-chops hops, you probably won’t be able to anyway. Lightweight.
Brewery: Oskar Blues
City: Longmont, Colorado, with a new location in Brevard, NC
Availability: Fall
Components: Two-row malt, chocolate malt, roasted barley, flaked oats, hops
ABV: 10.5%
IBU: 98