Like These Star Wars: The Last Jedi Cocktails You Will

Star Wars: The Last Jedi is finally, officially in theaters. To celebrate the occasion,
KINGS Dining & Entertainment Doral is honoring the premiere by serving up limited-edition themed cocktails like the ‘Blue Skywalker’, ‘The Dark Side’ and ‘Did it for the Wookie.’
These concoctions are certainly creative, and they’re only being sold until Sunday, Dec. 17th. But you can check out all the options and see some photos of the magnificent creations below. And we’ve included the basic ingredients to each cocktail, so you can experiment at home.
Blue Skywalker
Basic ingredients: Coconut Rum, pineapple juice & blue curacao, blended & served with a cherry.
Princess Leia
Basic ingredients: Gin, muddled strawberry & blueberries & elderflower garnished with Leia buns.
Did it for the Wookie
Basic ingredients: Kahlua, vodka & sweet cream garnished with mini marshmallows & chocolate sauce.
The Dark Side
Basic ingredients: Coconut rum, citrus & cranberry juice. Garnished with orange wheel & cherry.
Yoda Soda
Basic ingredients: Rum, mint & ginger beer garnished with lime Yoda ears Storm Trooper.
Rey of Sunshine
Basic ingredients: Raspberry vodka, pineapple juice & bubbles.
Vader Aide
Basic ingredients: Vodka with lemon juice, strawberry & raspberry puree, rimmed with black sugar.
Storm Trooper
Basic ingredients: Pineapple & coconut rums garnished with black sugar rim.