Sweetwater Happy Endings 2013

Brewery: Sweetwater Brewing Company
City: Atlanta
Style: Imperial Stout
Alcohol by Volume: 9%
Just in case those Mayans were on to something, Atlanta’s Sweetwater Brewing provided a suitable way to bid the world (or at least 2012) adieu. Newly available as part of its limited Dank Tank series, Happy Endings is an an Imperial Stout that will satisfy lovers of both hops and malts.
Brewed with Centiennial and Willamette hops and then dry-hopped with Cascade and Simcoe, it’s full of flavor, especially balanced against the sweet malts that take it to a 9% ABV. It’s enough to keep your palate from noticing whatever impending doom might surround it (Aliens? Natural Disaster? Zombies? My money was on Mayan zombies).
Call it an Imperial Stout that even the most devoted hopheads might dig or a hoppier version of whatever dark, sugar-plum-sweet Christmas Ale you were about to buy. But if you live in the brewery’s Southeastern territory, pick up one a six-pack or a 22-ounce wax-sealed bomber soon. Even as the world continues to spin, this beer will be gone by February.