The Governor’s Sanity Gin Punch

You’ve had a heck of a week. The boss showed his sly devil side, scooping your scoop. The sister blew in with her little neck monsters, wants you to love them like the uncle/aunt that you are. Your own cat hissed at you from the other side of the room. Yup, it’s holiday time to boot.

The only saving grace is that the mid-season finale of The Walking Dead airs this Sunday and you’ve calendared the hour and booked some bro-time (or time with your seven soul sisters) for a viewing party. Now you need the cocktail. Now you need the Governor’s Sanity Gin Punch.

Let it hit you on the head like a golf club and take you down like only zombie love can.

The Ingredients
24oz of Hendricks Gin
750ml of sloe gin (a fifth)
20oz of cranberry juice cocktail
20oz peach schnapps
Nine whole cloves
One cinnamon stick

Plug in the slow cooker, set it to medium heat and pour in the above ingredients. Float orange slices on top or hang the sliced rounds from the glasses.

There’s a method to his madness, right? Ladle a mug of this warm gin punch while you ponder that. The answer may appear on screen.

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