Here’s Where You Can Get Free Donuts Tomorrow

Here’s Where You Can Get Free Donuts Tomorrow

Guys, tomorrow, Friday, June 2, is National Donut Day. It’s your patriotic right, nay duty, to load up on some circular fried dough confectioneries before the clock strikes midnight—or whenever Dunkin’ Donuts closes—and all the donuts turn into pumpkins. Here’s a brief list of places (via Thrillist) where you can get donuts for free. A few places are requiring you to jump through some donut holes to get your treat, but it’s a small price to pay for multiple mouthfuls of sugary goodness. Each of these offers lasts the entire day.

Krispy Kreme
What you have to do: Nothing. Just walk in there, jostle other freeloaders out of the way and grab yourself one free donut. Any flavor.

Dunkin’ Donuts
What you have to do: Strut in there and grab one free classic donut of your choice after first purchasing a beverage. And saying please. This deal ends once they run out of donuts.

Tim Hortons
What you have to do: First, buy a hot or iced coffee. Second, make sure you remind them that it’s National Donut Day. Third, chow down on a free classic donut.

LaMar’s Donuts
What you have to do: Make like Charlie Bucket and bring this golden ticket to any store, and they’ll trade you for a free donut. Specifically, “Any donut with a hole.” Which sounds like an unnecessary explanation, but they mostly just mean no speciality donuts.

Honey Dew Donuts
What you have to do: It only works for their Coco Loco Donuts, but if you buy a beverage, you get to try the donut for free.

Cumberland Farms
What you have to do: Buy any hot or iced coffee, Hyperfreeze, or fountain drink and you’ll be rewarded with a free donut. Be warned, however, that the deal only lasts from 5-10 a.m. local time.

Shipley Do-Nuts
What you have to do: Buy anything at all and you get a free glazed donut. This deal also only lasts from 5 a.m to noon local time.

You’re welcome.

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