KFC Releases the Memories Bucket, So You Can Finally Capture All Those Greasy Moments
Image via YouTube
Well folks, they finally did it. Whoever said it couldn’t be done is now forever shamed. We are, of course, referring to the invention of the KFC bucket printer.
To celebrate 60 years in Canada, KFC has released the Memories Bucket, a chicken bucket that has a printer on the bottom. All you have to do is link up your smartphone to the printer, decide what photos you want printed and out of the bucket comes your polaroid photos. Because we’ve all been there, right, where we’re eating fried chicken and we have no way of immediately capturing that wondrous and greasy moment. Alas, all those lost memories…
It’s worth noting that this is not the first piece of new fast-food technology we’ve seen recently. A couple months ago, Pizza Hut (like KFC, a Yum! Brands company) released a pizza box that can be used as a projector. This certainly is the dawn of a new technological age. We can only imagine what the other Yum! Brands company Taco Bell is concocting in their labs. Perhaps a Taco Bell Big Box that can be used as a boombox? At last, we could get some music to go with our taco fiesta! Watch the video for the KFC Memories Bucket below.