McDonald’s Is Giving Away 10,000 Bottles of Big Mac Special Sauce

McDonald’s Is Giving Away 10,000 Bottles of Big Mac Special Sauce

Just in case your New Year’s resolution to eat healthier wasn’t already ruined, McDonald’s is giving away 10,000 bottles of their Big Mac special sauce. The giveaway coincides with the release of two new versions of the Big Mac, the Mac Jr. and Grand Mac. Starting tomorrow, you can find your nearest location participating in the giveaway via an iMessage app called Big Mac Sauce Special Finder. Once you’re there, all you need to do is say the secret-not-so-secret code, “There’s a Big Mac for that,” to receive your free bottle (while supplies last, of course). McDonald’s will also be hosting giveaways on their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages.

The sauce has never been sold in the United States before, and the giveaway will be the first time the bottle has been available. There is much speculation that the sauce is simply Thousand Island dressing with slightly more ingredients. Overall, the main ingredients for Big Mac sauce are thought to be some variation of mayonnaise, french dressing, pickle relish, white onion, vinegar, sugar and salt.

Honestly, we didn’t even know there was a Big Mac special sauce, much less a following. Is this going to be popular tomorrow? Will there be people waiting outside for the giveaway to begin? Or will the response be kind of “Meh?”

Either way, our quest for basic Big Mac knowledge led us to a treasure trove of Big Mac commercials from the ‘70s and ‘80s, and we are thrilled. Watch below to see some of our favorites. Fair warning—some are very catchy.

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