Starbucks is Attempting to Undo Their Evil Unicorn Creation With Another New Frappuccino
Image via Starbucks
Much to the dismay of the traumatized baristas at Starbucks, the coffee company is introducing a new Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino. This should be seen in the eyes of the innocent consumers as an attempt to unmake the evil they created a couple of weeks ago in the Unicorn Frappuccino, a heinous, purple monstrosity that struck fear in the hearts of baristas (and Stephen Colberts) everywhere.
Well, there’s no refuge to be found here. The new Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino is being offered as a promotion for Starbuck’s upcoming Frappuccino Happy Hour, which baristas have lovingly, or fearfully, called “Frappy” Hour. Starbucks explains in a press release that the Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino is a “layered beverage [that] starts with scoops of extra-dark cocoa blended with coffee, milk and ice, infused with cooling mint sugar crystals and cut with a layer of whipped cream. It is then topped with more whipped cream and a dusting of dark cocoa.” At least it’s not purple.
The Peppermint Mocha Frappuccino is available now, and the Happy/Frappy Hour promotion starts May 5 and goes through May 14. And please, be friendly to your baristas. Because they really hate it when you order these drinks.