A New Trailer for Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown Has Officially Taken off
Images via Bandai Namco
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is the next much-anticipated entry in the long-running Ace Combat franchise, a story-focused twist on the usual flight-sim/arcade plane game. The newest trailer for Ace Combat 7, fresh off the E3 printing press, showcases the game’s graphical fidelity in regard to both the detail of the various types of aircraft on display and the canvas in which they paint the skies orange in their after-burn—the scope and naturalism of the environments in the trailer acts as a dichotomous backdrop to the industrial warfare waged in the skies of Ace Combat 7.
Similar to the Forza Horizon series, what Ace Combat lacks in verisimilitude to operating a fighter jet, it makes up for in the attention to detail regarding planes that actually exist, and the trailer spends its first half laying down the story’s groundwork via voiceover while really putting that attention to aircraft detail at the forefront. Eventually, the trailer barrel-rolls into the arcade-like, cinematic combat and aerial g-force-fueled ballet for which the series has become famous.
There is no set release date for Ace Combat 7, but the game’s story takes place in 2019, during the Ace Combat universe’s Second Continental War—this could be some kind of tease or just a matter of circumstance. A cautious optimism is warranted for Ace Combat 7, as there isn’t much like it on the current videogame market. The age of the arcade-fighter plane game seems to have ended with the last console generation, as PlayStation 4 nor Xbox One have that many aircraft-based videogames.
Check out the new fighter jet-filled trailer for Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown below.