Animal Crossing: New Horizons Plans Summer Update with Swimming, Sea Creatures and Outfits
Image via Nintendo
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is getting its first summer update early next month, which will add swimming, new sea creatures, characters and summer outfits.
The trailer shows a villager donned in a swimsuit jumping into the island’s surrounding ocean and swimming a short ways from shore, picking up various sea creatures to put in their aquarium.
It then reintroduces an older character we haven’t seen yet in New Horizons, the otter Pascal, who trades sea creatures for new DIY recipes, such as mermaid-themed outfits and furniture. God, my little sister will love this.
It also will bring some changes for the seagull Gulliver. He still washes up ashore, as always, but now with pirate-like clothes and dialogue.
You won’t have to wait long, as the free summer update launches July 3. Nintendo also teased more summer updates to come in “Wave 2,” which comes early August. “Wave 2” has a second, much more sinister connotation these days, but it’s probably a harmless coincidence.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons is available exclusively on Switch. For more on the game, read Natalie Flores’ feature on how the game induces as much anxiety as it does peace, five changes we want to come to the game and our review.