Get Ready to Celebrate Festivale in Animal Crossing: New Horizons‘ Latest Update

Get Ready to Celebrate Festivale in Animal Crossing: New Horizons‘ Latest Update

As sure as the passage of time, Nintendo has released a trailer detailing another seasonal update and event coming to Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

The new update, which drops on Jan. 28, will have a slew of additions, chief among them being the Festivale event occurring on Feb. 15, featuring the return of dancing peacock Pavé. On the day of the event, players will be able to collect feathers to trade into Pavé, who will teach you a dance in return. Rainbow feathers seem to be an especially rare find during the event.

There will also be a ton of new reactions, clothing and seasonal items included which are expected to roll out over the course of February. The reactions and clothing seem to be aimed more at the Festivale event, while the seasonal items are promising to celebrate “the sentimental season with chocolate hearts and heart-shaped bouquets.” There will also be items for Groundhog Day and Big Game Celebration.

Earlier this morning, a collaboration between Sanrio and Nintendo was also announced. Sanrio, a company best known for their character Hello Kitty, is collaborating with Nintendo to make collectible Amiibo card packs that will be available Mar. 26.

The end of the trailer assured there would be another free update coming to New Horizons in March.

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