You Can Now Attach A Frickin’ Laser Beam To Your Shark’s Head in ARK: Survival Evolved

You Can Now Attach A Frickin’ Laser Beam To Your Shark’s Head in ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved has somewhat of a reputation for monthly, over-the-top content updates, each adding to an ever-growing roster of prehistoric beasts and primitive (and not-so-primitive) gadgets in the game. This month, players can experience a new extreme in wacky ARK antics, with a new Megalodon saddle that acts doubly an homage to one of the best comedies of all time.

Like other content updates, Patch 257 brings substantial changes that will dramatically alter how players strategize their time on the island, and in this case, a new item tier called TEK will play a major role. TEK is an Element resource, which is granted after successfully completing Boss Arenas, or earned through Element Shards, which can be obtained via crafting at a TEK Replicator. The Megalodon Saddle, which allows your prehistoric shark to shoot lasers, is among them, as well as a new type of grenade and turret, and a special cloning chamber. All TEK is end-game content though, so get to grinding.

The Volcano ARK Erupt The Center.jpg

The patch adds four new animals, including the Giant Bee (whose honey can be farmed by the player), the Hell Pig, an ancient, magic loot-finding whale known as Liopleurodon Magicus, and the Kentrosaurus, a smaller specimen of Stegosaurus.

Patch 257 also flips the switch on the dormant volcano of The Center, giving it flowing lava and an entrance to the TEK cave, an all-new player challenge. Additional changes include UI improvements, new hairstyles and facial hair, more explorer notes, new music tracks, an overhaul to the Engram Tree, and more. Go download it over at Steam now or check out more details over at the developer’s blog.

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