ARMS Version 5.0 Adds New Fighter Dr. Coyle
Image via Nintendo
It feels like just yesterday that version 4.0 of Nintendo’s fighter ARMS came out (it was actually just last month), and the new content isn’t slowing down just yet. Version 5.0 is here, and it comes with a crazy new fighter named Dr. Coyle.
This gleefully sinister fighter packs a lot of strange abilities that the game hasn’t seen thus far. Per Nintendo’s website, here’s what you need to know about the doc:
As head of ARMS Lab, the good (?) doctor runs the Party Crash program, created Hedlock and Helix, and even experimented on herself! Talk about dedication to her craft.
Dr. Coyle’s special abilities include a spurt of invisibility after guarding, an extra ARM attack that appears after charging, and the ability to punch, dash, and block while levitating in the air.
Her home stage is simply named [NAME REDACTED], and she brings three new ARMS to the fight: Lokjaw, Parabola and Brrchuk. Check out more detailed notes on the 5.0 update, which also includes some balance changes, and see Dr. Coyle in action in the video below.