Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Will be Getting a New Story DLC Episode Roughly Every Six Weeks
Images via Ubisoft/YouTube
Ubisoft has detailed the post-launch content for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey in a new video uploaded on Thursday.
Scott Philips, the game’s director, says the studio’s roadmap for downloadable content “will give players more story content in a brand new episodic format.”
“Similar to how you anticipate a TV show season premiere or catch up on streaming services, we’re going to continuously provide new gameplay for players to look forward to,” Philips says. “It’s our most ambitious post-launch support ever for Assassin’s Creed.”
The game’s season pass will include two massive story arcs of three episodes each, meaning that there will be six episodes that will dive deeper into the war of Assassin’s Creed and famous Greek myths. Starting in December, the first three episodes—which are part of a story arc titled “Legacy of the First Blade”—will be released roughly every six weeks. The three episodes that remain—which will make up the story arc titled “The Fate of Atlantis”—will begin releasing in spring 2019, roughly following the same frequency of release as Legacy of the First Blade.
All season pass owners will get a remastered version of Assassin’s Creed 3 for free.
As for the game’s free content, there will be three new quests that will release between DLC episodes so that players have constant new content. Each week will bring a brand new in-game battle that will challenge players, along with daily and weekly quest contracts. The currency gained from these events will allow players to purchase rare and exotic gear, with new inventory items releasing every week. Finally, the game has been confirmed to get a New Game Plus mode.
Watch the video exploring the studio’s exciting plans below. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey will come out on Oct. 5 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.