Assassin’s Creed Origins DLC Lets You Fight Zombie Pharaohs, for Some Reason
Images via Ubisoft/YouTube
The Assassin’s Creed franchise is looking to make a big comeback with Origins, and developer Ubisoft has already detailed the post-launch content. Much of it will be part of the game’s Season Pass, but expect to see some free content, as well.
Players will be able to continue “progressing and levelling up their characters in the long run” thanks to the new content, as detailed in an Ubisoft blog post:
The Hidden Ones (DLC 1) – This expansion takes place years after the events of Assassin’s Creed Origins in a new region occupied by a Roman force. Bayek and the new Assassins will clash with the Romans as the Brotherhood continues to grow, and players will have a new level cap. Slated for release in January 2018.
The Curse of the Pharaohs (DLC 2) – The second expansion focuses on Egyptian mythology, pitting players against undead pharaohs and famed Egyptian monsters. Bayek will need to explore a mystical new realm and discover the root of the curse that has brought these creatures to life. This expansion will also raise the level cap again and introduce new skills for Bayek. Scheduled for a March 2018 launch.
The Roman Centurion and Horus packs – These exclusive item packs will grant Season Pass holders a new outfit, weapons, shield, and mount when they become available in November of this year.
500 Helix Credits and an exclusive rare weapon, the Calamity Blade – Both available at launch.
Helix Credits are the currency that players can buy (with real money, of course) and use to purchase in-game items. Meanwhile, “The Curse of the Pharaohs” will go more into mysticism, allowing players to battle monsters and even undead pharaohs. That’s right, the new Assassin’s Creed has what is basically “Egyptian Zombies.”
Free content will include “The Trial of the Gods,” a timed boss battle mode, a wandering merchant who gives you quests and rewards (“The Nomad’s Bazaar”), a photo mode, a “living museum in the “Discovery Tour” and a proper “Horde Mode.” The latter two features will be available sometime in early 2018. Not mentioned in the blog post is the previously announced Final Fantasy XV content.
Assassin’s Creed Origins will have you fighting zombie pharaohs on Oct. 27. Check out a trailer for the DLC below.