Bandai Namco Investigating Potential Bomb Threat at U.S. Office
Image via Bandai Namco
There is currently an ongoing investigation concerning a potential bomb threat directed at a Bandai Namco office located in Santa Clara, Calif.
Bandai Namco addressed the situation in the following statement to IGN:
We can’t provide any comment regarding the validity of the threat as there is an ongoing investigation in progress. We can say that all our employees are safe and that we will be doing everything in our power to safeguard the well being of our employees.
According to IGN’s initial reporting, the local Santa Clara police department had yet to be made aware of the bomb threat call as of Monday night. The threat has yet to be conclusively deemed legitimate or not.
Bandai Namco is not the first videogame company to be on the receiving end of threats in recent memory—just last week, employees at Twitch’s San Francisco headquarters were instructed to work from home after a potential shooter was suspected, and in 2018, Call of Duty developer Infinity Ward was evacuated after a bomb threat.
As of now, all employees of Bandai Namco’s Santa Clara office are safe, and we’ll have updates if more information regarding the investigation comes out.