Batman: The Telltale Series Gets First Trailer, Release Date
Images via Telltale
The first episode of Batman: The Telltale Series just got a reveal trailer that features Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, James Gordone and Falcone all converging on the election of Harvey Dent. Titled “Realm of Shadows,” it’s coming out digitally for PS4, PS3, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PC and Mac on Aug. 2. Based on the trailer, it seems we will get to see a lot of Bruce Wayne in this game, and his struggle. “I know you’re trying to create a myth,” Alfred tells Bruce in the trailer. “Just remember, there is room for Bruce and Batman inside that suit.”
Batman: The Telltale Series is also getting a physical edition. Unlike previous Telltale games, where the physical edition usually comes out well after the last episode, you can buy the disc on Sept. 13, and the remaining four episodes in the season will download as they are released. It partially defeats the point of a physical edition, but if you really want to display it on your shelf immediately, then you’ll be able to.
Watch the Batman: The Telltale Series trailer above.