Battlefield V Reveal Date Uncovered Through Battlefield 1 Easter Egg
Images via EA
Few details have trickled out regarding EA DICE’s return to World War II in the forthcoming Battlefield V, but inquisitive Battlefield 1 players have discovered when the world will learn more about the franchise’s next installment through an esoteric easter egg that actually leaked the reveal date.
A report from Eurogamer details how players employed some impressive detective work to discover the date. There is a door labeled “Isolement” within the game’s Fort de Vaux map that has remained shut since the Battlefield 1’s launch, but a recent patch allowed the door to be opened via a system of buttons spread throughout the fort. Each button was attached to a specific letter, opening the mystery door when pressed in sequence to spell “Isolement.”
What this intricate unlocking system unveils is an empty cell, complete with a tunnel to nowhere, an unfinished painting of a white horse and a system of pipes that drip water. It seems lackluster on the surface, but upon further review, players discovered that the water was dripping in morse code, spelling out a URL:
That URL leads to a website emblazoned with the date May 23, 2018, and the Battlefield hashtag, which many are interpreting as the reveal date for Battlefield V. If that date is true, which is highly likely, the timing makes perfect sense. It falls less than a week after Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII’s reveal date, and sets up for more information and presumably our first look at gameplay at E3 in June.
While the jury is still out on the forthcoming installment, EA DICE, in typical fashion, provided a fun trail of crumbs to follow for players who have been pondering what laid beyond the sealed chamber door of “Isolement.”