A Borderlands 3 Glitch Lets You Load Up on Legendary Loot

Good news for fans of games about endlessly collecting bigger and better things: Borderlands 3 is broken. Or at least broken in one particular spot, and in a way that directly and unintentionally benefits the player.
The news comes to us from PCGamer.com’s James Davenport, who reports that Borderlands 3, like so many other loot-focused games when they first launch, currently has a busted spot that will endlessly pump out the most valuable loot. As Davenport writes, he “spent 15 minutes on three runs and took home about 15 new legendaries,” which is roughly equal to what he acquired throughout the game’s whole campaign the first time he played it. So yeah, this is a quick and easy way to stock up on hard-to-find equipment.
Here’s what Davenport says you should do to find this beaucoop loot. He recommends that you play on the Mayhem 3 difficulty level for maximum legendariness, although Mayhem 2 and 1 will bring in smaller amounts of loot. Then charge over to a place called Jakob’s Estate out on Eden-6; you can find a map at Davenport’s post. Coming out from underneath the estate’s deck you’ll find a bandit known as a “loot tink.” Look for the purple icon; as Davenport writes, it’s “usually the first of the bandits to show up.” Hit him with shock and fire weapons, and stick on him until he’s dead. There’ll be a string of legendary items you can pick up, and even more inside the bag that you’ll find after you kill him. And you can just keep doing this over and over, quitting and loading back into the game as many times as you like.
For images and a full, first-hand description of how to pull this off, check out Davenport’s post at PCGamer.com. And maybe get cracking on this soon, if you’re playing Borderlands 3; like Destiny’s infamous loot cave, this glitch will probably get patched out real soon.