Celebrate LGBTQIA+ Pride in Grand Theft Auto V With Pride Parade Mod

Grand Theft Auto V is getting 100 percent more rainbows thanks to the Los Santos Pride mod, which was just released by Stockholm Pride, a Scandinavian LGBTQIA+ advocacy group. This inclusive mod adds an a massive pride parade to downtown Los Santos, the Los Angeles-like city GTA V is set in.

The parade is filled with people of different races and genders celebrating and dancing. Los Santos Pride adds new radio voiceover timed with the parade and a ton of new clothing items themed with the rainbow flag. There’s also a giant blimp flying overhead displaying a rainbow hearts and the words “Love is in the air.” Some parade walkers can even be seen carrying signs with a rainbow heart and Orlando written on them. And on top of everything, the parade is completely indestructible.

los santos pride.jpg

Perhaps the most wonderful thing about this mod is how it will potentially allow any LGBTQIA+ people who are unable to go to a pride parade in real life to still experience one in some way. Pride parades usually only happen once a year in big cities. For people who can’t get there, or live in more repressive communities, Los Santos Pride provides them with a way to experience an event that celebrates their identity when so much of the world does not. Anyone who owns GTA V can now celebrate pride from the comfort and safety of their room.

Los Santos Pride is completely free to everyone and was created by Stockholm Pride to celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community. You can watch the trailer below and download the mod here.

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