Conan Gets High on Gears of War 4 with Wiz Khalifa
Images via TBS/YouTube
Gears of War 4 is hitting shelves this Tuesday, five years after the last game in the series, and it’s got a tiny bit of hype behind it. Right on time is Conan O’Brien with another installment of “Clueless Gamer” to prove just how terrible he is at videogames. Luckily, Conan is joined by the low-key, hilarious Wiz Khalifa to help mellow him out.
Conan and Khalifa spend most of the video discussing Khalifa’s medicinal habits before Conan fires his gamer buddy Aaron Bleyaert for reciting Gears of War’s entire boring history, and then Conan and Khalifa can get to what Gears does best: lots and lots of shooting.
Conan is in particularly rare form this time around, throwing a grenade that bounces directly back at him, accidentally shooting Khalifa’s character in the back of the head, and then crashing his motorcycle into a tree.
You can see the full video above.