Bungie Talks Destiny Plans Post-Rise of Iron Expansion

On Sept. 20, Destiny’s fourth expansion, Rise of Iron, is releasing, but that won’t be the end of Bungie’s support for their still thriving first-person shooter/MMO hybrid. Bungie talked with Game Informer about their plans for Destiny through the end of the year.

Destiny’s Halloween event Festival of the Lost will be returning in October, with new masks to acquire. This event ran from Oct. 26 through Nov. 9 last year, so expect to see it around then.

The Sparrow Racing League is also making a return this December. This event, which was held last year from Dec. 8 through Dec. 29, allows Guardians to race their Sparrow hover bikes against each other in a competitive multiplayer matches. Come December, players will be able to race on remade tracks from last year’s event as well as new tracks inspired by Rise of Iron. However, Sparrow League Racing won’t be exactly the same as it was last year. Live Team Director Jerry Hook said of Sparrow League Racing:

When we talk about SRL coming back, it’ll probably be wrapped in a different style, not just focused around SRL, because some of the stuff that we learned from our players around the Sparrow Racing League is that some people didn’t like racing. So, can you do something with the event that helps support those players a little bit differently? Absolutely.”

Even two years after launch, Destiny players still have plenty to keep them playing. You can read our impressions of Destiny: Rise of Iron here.

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