Nintendo Switch Version of Doom Is Coming This November

Nintendo Switch Version of Doom Is Coming This November

Prepare to shoot up some demons and crush some skulls as the Doom Guy—on the go. Bethesda and Nintendo announced via Twitter that last year’s violent and kinetic Doom is coming to Nintendo Switch this November.

The port was announced during a September Nintendo Direct, but today gives an official confirmation on the exact date of Nov. 10. Additionally, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus will also come to the Switch sometime in 2018.

Various publications were able to play the game in the past month (in undocked portable mode), reporting that the game runs at a solid 30 frames-per-second. As previously announced, this version of the game will not include the SnapMap level editor from the previous versions, and will require a separate download for the game’s multiplayer.

Nintendo released a video (seen below) featuring Marty Stratton and Hugo Martin from id Software, who ported the game on the Switch with developer Panic Button. Check out our review of the 2016 game here.

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