Final Fantasy XV to Receive Assassin’s Creed: Origins Content, and Vice Versa
Image via Ubisoft
In anyone’s list for “Things to Expect From Video Games,” a crossover between Final Fantasy and Assassin’s Creed is probably not on the top. Ubisoft decided to surprise fans of both series by announcing a collaboration with Square Enix. However, don’t expect this to be a full-blown crossover with Noctis swerving his car around the Great Pyramid of Giza—instead, players can look forward to fun treats in both Final Fantasy XV and Assassin’s Creed: Origins.
This collaboration will result in multiple pieces of DLC, including cosmetics, items and new features. The first item of this cross-pollination between the two games will be the “Assassin” outfit for Noctis in Final Fantasy XV. Available on Aug. 30, this will be followed the next day with the free “Assassin’s Festival” DLC. The town of Lestallum will receive a change in appearance, and the DLC will include items and abilities for Noctis, allowing him to move around and attack like an Assassin. Could be fun to play Final Fantasy XV with stealth mechanics.
We can only speculate what Assassin’s Creed: Origins will receive from the Final Fantasy world. I doubt you can have Bayek driving off the Sphinx like a ramp, but riding a chocobo in the desert could be just as fun and satisfying.
Final Fantasy XV came out last November, while Assassin’s Creed: Origins is set for release in Oct. 27 this year on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.