Fortnite Leak Reveals Stranger Things Crossover, New Skins and Items

Fortnite Leak Reveals Stranger Things Crossover, New Skins and Items

As per tradition, Fortnite’s 9.30 update has been leaked by some intrepid data-miners, revealing new limited-time modes, challenges and dozens of new items.

@FunGamesLeaks tweeted a screenshot of all the new additions, including new skins, emotes, items, pickaxes, gliders and wraps.

You can peruse all the new cosmetics in this image from FunGamesLeaks:

Based on the images, “14 Days of Summer,” “Summer Splashdown” and “Storm Chasers: Surfin’” may be titles for upcoming events, pointing to an easy, breezy summer theme next on the roster.

Twitter user @Lucas7Yoshi has been digging through the game files and uncovered a list of all the upcoming Week 7-10 challenges.

They also dug up a snippet of code hinting at a possible Stranger Things-themed set.

But that’s old news. Fortnite fans have speculated about a FortniteStranger Things mashup ever since an ice cream shop named “Scoops Ahoy” popped up in Fortnite’s new Mega Mall.

Also under the wraps of code were two possible new modes: Builder’s Paradise and Strategic Structures.

In Builder’s Paradise, the data-mined description explains that all player-built structures have drastically increased health. Neutral editing also switches on, allowing players to edit structures regardless of which team placed them. Building material drop rates will also increase, so you’ll have plenty of material to build with.

For Strategic Structures, stone and metal walls can withstand more, but you’ll have fewer resources.

“Think before you place is the name of the game,” the leaked description reads.

The new Tank Battle description explains that player health and shields increase, but healing items are removed and replaced with siphon.

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