Explore Fortnite‘s New World in Season Two Launch Trailer
Image via Epic Games/YouTube
After collapsing into an unplayable black hole on Sunday, Fortnite is back with an all-new second season this Tuesday morning, heralded by a cinematic launch trailer introducing players to the revamped game’s new map and features.
The launch trailer offers a longer look than yesterday’s leaked gameplay trailer did, clarifying some of the additions to the game that the leak merely teased. First and foremost is Fortnite’s Season Two map, an island comprising 13 new locations. Players will be able to traverse that map in new ways this season, with the addition of swimming, fishing, motorboats and more water gameplay. Supporting your squad also becomes more robust, giving players the option to carry fallen teammates to safety, heal your allies with a bandage bazooka and celebrate with new group emotes after bringing your squad back to full strength.
There are new ways to go on the offensive in Season Two, too: Players can now conceal themselves in dumpsters, haystacks and such to sneak-attack opponents, or up the ante on assaults by shooting explosive gas tanks and barrels. They can do so while equipped with what Epic calls “a streamlined weapon arsenal,” buffing said weapons by expending resources at the upgrade bench. All this fighting, as well as completing challenges and searching chests, will enable players to level up through a new Battle Pass, earning XP via a brand new system, as well as various in-match medals. And of course, there are new skins and guns aplenty, as if all of the above weren’t enough.
See it all for yourself below.