Teenager Arrested Over Possible Involvement with GTA VI Leaks

A British teen has been arrested over possible connection to last week’s Rockstar leaks which showed early footage of Grand Theft Auto VI. The Desk’s Matthew Keys broke the news that a 17-year-old had been taken into custody by U.K. police under suspicion of involvement with the Rockstar hack.
On Friday, London police confirmed they arrested a teenager in connection to multiple data breaches. While U.K. police have not formally accused the teen of being involved in the Rockstar leaks, internal sources allegedly stated this was connected to the hack. The internal source claimed that the teenager was also suspected in a recent breach of Uber Technologies.
The 17-year-old, who The Desk referred to as “A.K.,” had apparently been charged with additional hacking allegations earlier this year related to breaches at Microsoft, Okta, and Nvidia.
Last week, a user on GTAForums posted over 90 videos showing leaked footage of the in-development Grand Theft Auto VI. Shortly after, Rockstar Games confirmed that the leaks were legitimate and that they were disappointed their work had been shown in this early state. They also revealed they would be cooperating with the FBI to investigate the issue further. From here, the FBI reportedly worked with U.K. police to find the home of the 17-year-old, who remains in police custody.