The Luchatastic Bodyslams of Guacamelee 2 Make Their Way Onto Steam, PS4 in August
Images via Drinkbox Studios
Guacamelee 2 has finally nailed down a release date of Aug 21, 2018, on Steam and the PlayStation 4, according to developers Drinkbox Studios. That’s right, the sequel to the Metroidvania beat em’ up will bring players back to the world of Juan and the fantastically named Mexiverse. Drinkbox Studios celebrates the announcement with a new trailer, showing off the game’s updated combat and platforming.
For those unfamiliar with the original Guacamelee, or Mexican Metroid as it is known in some circles, this Metroidvania mixes Metroid’s classic exploration gameplay with the combat and combos of most traditional fighting games to make it into something that is unique on its own. Guacamelee originally released in 2013 on the PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita to generally favorable reviews, earning it an 84 Metascore on Metacritic. We even reviewed Guacamelee ourselves.
Over on the PlayStation Blog, Drinkbox details some of the updates seen in the new trailer. That includes:
- Pollo Power – The ability to fit into tight spaces by turning into a chicken is back. Some of the new abilities include the Pollo Shot, Pollo Slide, and Pollo Glide, which will help players overcome new obstacles.
- Training Missions – Drinkbox has added training challenges that will earn players new abilities. Players can visit several characters within the game to complete these challenges.
- Bigger World – Guacamelee 2 has a much bigger world than the first game to accommodate all the new abilities. According to Drinkbox, “You can expect a bigger, badder world, with all sorts of interesting nooks and crannies to explore and conquer.”
Guacamelee 2 will be available for the PlayStation 4 and Steam on PC for $19.99. PS Plus subscribers can buy the game for 20 percent off if they pre-order before it’s Aug 21 release.
For now, you can watch the release date announcement trailer to the lucha-infused sequel below.