Here’s a Look at The Flash, Captain Cold, Every Other Recently Revealed Injustice 2 Character

Here’s a Look at The Flash, Captain Cold, Every Other Recently Revealed Injustice 2 Character

Barely more than a month out from release, Injustice 2 hasn’t stopped its steady flow of character reveals, and today brings us our first full look at Flash’s abilities.

Take a look at the video above to see Barry Allen’s time-bending super move that lets him smack Grodd around with a sphinx and an actual dinosaur. Last week, developer NetherRealm gave us our first full look at longtime Flash adversary Captain Cold’s moveset, following his reveal in a villain-focused video a week before that. That second video showed off Gorilla Grodd, Scarecrow, Bane and the aforementioned icy captain. You can check out that trailer below, right under Captain Cold’s solo video.

While Cheetah got her own reveal video three weeks ago, you can check out her first appearance in our write-up of the game’s “Here Come the Girls” trailer, which also stars Catwoman, Black Canary and Poison Ivy. Shortly before that, NetherRealm introduced Firestorm and Dr. Fate with their own solo trailers, both of which you can find embedded below.

You can visit the Injustice YouTube channel to check out the (so far) four-part “Shattered Alliances” trailer series, which focuses on the game’s narrative and individual character conflicts. You can also revisit our write-ups on the reveals of Swamp Thing, Black Canary and Robin.

Injustice 2 hits Xbox One and PS4 on May 16.

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